Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Loves

I wanted to do a positive, upbeat post today, since normally bad things get my creative writing juices flowing, but there are plenty of good things in this world to write about as well.  Everybody has things they love, and I’m no exception.  When dating someone, you always have to go through that stage of “what is your favorite…” after which you could go through a list of 20-30 things.  But once, I asked a guy what he loves, what he was passionate about.  And he couldn’t really answer me.  I thought, how sad, that you don’t have things that really get your heart pumping, things that make you feel like you could leap over tall buildings in a single bound.  Or things that you’d move mountains to participate in, or shout from the rooftops how much you love it, and think everyone else should love it too.  Ultimately, I decided I couldn’t be with a guy who didn’t feel that passion, love and adoration for some of the amazing things this life has to offer.  So here is my list, in no particular order.  Of course, I'm not sure this encompasses everything, but it's a good start for my future knight to know what really melts my popsicle.

·         Swing dancing
·         Big band/jazz music
·         Saxophones
·         Motorcycles
·         Hiking
·         My religion
      The Book of Mormon
·         Attending the temple
·         Softball
·         Cookies
·         My kids (I know, this is a given, but I figured I’d better include it just in case.)
·         Poetry
·         Writing
·         Ice cream
·         Engaging in open dialog with people who have different beliefs, perceptions, etc. than I do
·         Driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC in the fall when all the leaves look so beautiful
·         Sunsets
·         Exercising/eating healthy (well, at least most of the time)
·         Board games
·         Going somewhere new
·         Traveling
·         Taking a moderate approach to most things in life
·         Chocolate
·         Flying (I’d much rather fly somewhere than drive)
·         Being outside
·         Warm rains
·         North Carolina
·         Mountains
·         Red
·         Massages
·         Someone playing with my hair
·         Giving service
·         Learning something new, no matter what the topic
·         Music
·         Dancing
·         Spending time just hanging out with friends and/or family
·         Washington D.C.
·         Not having to drive on car trips
·         Sounds of the south (birds, cicadas, etc)
·         Dogwood trees in bloom
·         Calming sound of the rain
·         Smell of rain
·         Sound of ocean waves
·         Feeling a warm, soft rug beneath your toes
·         Hugs… good, long, heart-felt ones
·         A friend who loves you even in the bad times, and celebrates with you during the good times


  1. You know what I love? This post! And you! :o)

  2. Love you, too! Keep writing:)

  3. Playing catch up on your blog. Thanks for the post. I have a very pessimistic view of relationships and marriage. Perhaps creating my own list of passions, I begin to think more positively about who I am--my relationship with myself.
